Asa Kami Ketchup
Ketchup D' Lapang has been produced by the Class IIA Women's Correctional Facilities in Malang since 1997. The recipe has been passed down from old-time inmates to new inmates and is maintained with great care by the production team to ensure the sauce's distinct flavor. Any changes made to the recipe have been limited to adding new flavor variations and packaging, in keeping with changing times.
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Kayna Lasamba Bakery
Kayna Lasamba Bakery was pioneered by a former inmate named Mr. Vincent and standing in Correctional Facilities Class IIA Salemba – Jakarta. This bakery company was built with the goal of creating new productive resources in the community after leaving the Penitentiary. Kayna Lasamba conducts some user training for Inmates (Prisoners), who want to join us and get some productivity time.
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Keripik Tempe Lapasta
Development is something that must be done by Correctional Facilities in Indonesia, in an effort to create Inmates as productive human resources and good creativity. Of course, this has been successfully done by Class I Tangerang Correctional Facilities. One of the Inmate activities at Class I Correctional Facilities Tangerang is producing Tempe, this is certainly something very important.
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Asa Kami Ketchup
Ketchup D' Lapang has been produced by the Class IIA Women's Correctional Facilities in Malang since 1997. The recipe has been passed down from old-time inmates to new inmates and is maintained with great care by the production team to ensure the sauce's distinct flavor. Any changes made to the recipe have been limited to adding new flavor variations and packaging, in keeping with changing times.
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Kayna Lasamba Bakery
Kayna Lasamba Bakery was pioneered by a former inmate named Mr. Vincent and standing in Correctional Facilities Class IIA Salemba – Jakarta. This bakery company was built with the goal of creating new productive resources in the community after leaving the Penitentiary. Kayna Lasamba conducts some user training for Inmates (Prisoners), who want to join us and get some productivity time.
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Keripik Tempe Lapasta
Development is something that must be done by Correctional Facilities in Indonesia, in an effort to create Inmates as productive human resources and good creativity. Of course, this has been successfully done by Class I Tangerang Correctional Facilities. One of the Inmate activities at Class I Correctional Facilities Tangerang is producing Tempe, this is certainly something very important.
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